Participation Incentives
Referral Incentives
Fundraising Related Prizes
- 將奬項贈送給加拿大的親朋好友 (請提供地址以便我們郵寄)
- 請《生命恩泉》為你奉獻彌撒代替奬項
- 透過《生命恩泉》把獎項轉贈給《移加友伴》互助群組的新移民朋友
If you have won any prizes, besides accepting the prizes, whether you live in Canada or overseas, you may choose one of the following options:
- Give it to your friend/relative in Canada (please provide their address for mailing)
- Request Fountain of Love and Life to offer a Mass for you
- Give the gift to newcomers in the FLL Newcomers support group
參加者填此表格向《生命恩泉》購買優惠碼 Gift Code (即繳付折扣後的報名費) 我們會把優惠碼以電郵發給你。收到電郵後,請使用電郵內的連結到大會的官方網頁報名。在Gift Code欄內填寫優惠碼,便可以 $0 完成報名程序。
報名費(連稅及手續費):加元$65.94 (原價: 加元$72.55)
如您在填寫表格後一個工作天後仍未收到有關優惠碼,請留意電郵會否儲存在閣下郵箱的「促銷內容(Promotions-folder)」或「垃圾郵箱(Trash/Spam)」內。如仍未收到,請電郵到walk@fll.cc 。
10% Off Gift Code
Good news! FLL has purchased some gift codes from the organizer of the Toronto Waterfront Marathon so that our “Walk with God” participants can enjoy 10% off the registration fee. There is a limited number of gift codes. They are first come first served.
Participants may fill out this form to purchase the gift code from FLL (i.e. pay for the discounted registration fee). You will receive a Gift Code by email from FLL. Please use the link included in the email or on the walk.FLL.cc webpage to complete the registration process on TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon’s website. Enter the gift code in the corresponding field and you can register with $0.
Gift Code Discounted Registration Fee (including tax and service fees):
CAD $65.94 (Original Price: CAD $72.55)
If you have not received the Gift Code after one business day, please check your “Promotions” or “Trash/Spam” folder. If you cannot find it, please email walk@fll.cc.
1. 先拔頭籌獎
Early Incentives
參加者於 2024年9月20日以前報名,並籌得加元$200或以上,將獲價值加元$20《生命恩泉》書舍禮券
Early Bird Incentive
Participants who have registered and raised a minimum of $200 CDN before September 20, 2024 will receive a $20 FLL Bookstore gift certificate.
得獎者 Winners:
- Colette Chow
- Patricia Young
- Eva Hung
- Kenneth Li
- Fr. Francis Ching
- Bonny Chan
- Paul Yeung
- Carmen Tsang
- Bernadette Cheng
- Winnie Kuk
- Teresa Law
- Kwok Ping Poon
- Damaso Wong
- Cecilia Wong
- Jacqueline Chan
- Christina Lee
- Teresa Wan
- Cynthia Chan
- Karl Chan
- Cecilia Chiu
- Antonio Tang
- Catherine Lo
- Barbara Wong
- Cordelia Lam
- Mani Wong
- Brenda Chan
- Agnes Ng
- Edmond Lo
- Regina Li
- Jenny Wong
- Maisie Ng
- August Chow
- Helen C.C. Lee
- Rose Wong
- Amy Ho
- Janny Cheung
- Paul Yim
- Cecilia So
- Agnes Wong
- Jane Fan
- Bernadette So
- Claudia Kung
- Rebecca Tang
- Donna Tse
- Theresa Liu-Lo
- Stephen Chung
- Christina Chan
- Rosa Tse
- Selina Lam
- Winnie K Lai
- Rebecca Li
- Anthony Kuk
- Fion Cho
- Teresa Chew
- Margaret Wong
- Teresa Chan
- Sarah Lam
- Ben Cheng
- Winnie Kong
- Caroline Ng
- Kathryn Lau
- Regina Mak
- Pauline Koo
- Amy Constance Mui
- Linda Law
- Corinna Lee
- Edward Lee
- Eliza Chou
- Maria Szeto
- Sabina Chow
- Assunta Wan
- Petrus Chan
- Zachery Yuen
- Chor Hing Hung
- Rosa Chong
- Clement Tsang
- Kelvin Tsang
- Colette Tsang
- Clelia Tsang
- Caritas Tsang
- Chun Quan Reynold Chan
- Ricky Cheung
- Edwin Lok
- Pauline Lam
- Christina Lai
- Inez Tung
- Grace Ma
- Elizabeth Leung
- Rebecca Ng
- Christina Chan
- Selena Chan
- Vincenzina Wong
- Teresa Lau
a. Seniors (70+) 長者 (以出生日期1954年10月31日前為準)
現金回贈報名費加元$55 (不包括 HST 及大會手續費)
FLL reimburses their registration fees of CAD$55 (excluding HST and processing fees)
b. Children and teenagers (age 17 and under) 18歲以下兒童及青少年 (以出生日期2006年10月1日後為準),並籌得 $250
現金回贈報名費加元$55 (不包括 HST 及大會手續費)
FLL reimburses their registration fees of CAD$55 (excluding HST and processing fees) if they have raised $250 or above
4. 推薦新參加者
Refer New Participants
介紹首次參加者 Referring First-Time Participant(s)
第1位 1st referral: $10;
第2位 2nd referral: $10;
第3位 3rd referral: $15;
第4位 4th referral: $15;
最多累積獎賞 Maximum accumulative incentive: $50
條件:每名被推薦參加者必需籌得加元$200 或以上
Requirement: Each referred participant must have raised $200 or above.
籌得 Raised $500
Raised by 2024-09-30
兩份獎品 Two Prizes
由匿名善長捐出價值五十元的Walmart gift card 兩張
得獎者 Winners:
1. Catherine Lo
2. Andrew Lau
籌得 Raised $1,000
Raised by 2024-10-15
兩份獎品 Two Prizes
由匿名善長捐出價值五十元的Walmart gift card 兩張
得獎者 Winners:
1. Brenda Chan
2. Anna Liu
籌得 Raised $1,500
Raised by 2024-10-30
由Panash Bakery 伯爵餅店送出價值 $50 的蛋糕禮券兩張
兩份獎品 Two Prizes
得獎者 Winners:
1. Sarah Lam
2. Dorothy Zhou
籌得 Raised $2,500
Raised by 2024-11-11
由包師傅點心專門店、Panash 伯爵餅店及M&Y Bakery 荔景餅屋送出的$20禮券共七張
七份獎品 Seven Prizes
得獎者 Winners:
1. August Chow
2. Elizabeth Leung
3. Christina Lee
4. Edmond Lo
5. Colette Chow
6. Edward Lee
7. Kelvin Tsang
Participants who have raised the specified amount by the 3 Lucky Draw dates will automatically enter the draw on the date.
*Two prizes will be drawn each time.
a. 成人 Adult :
籌款額最高(成人)Top Fundraiser (Adult):
Patricia Young $36,893.24
b. 青少年/兒童 Youth/Child :
$100 禮券 gift card
籌款額最高 (青少年/兒童 ) Top fundraiser (Youth/Children):
Dominic Woo $1,342.25
a. 籌款額最高隊伍 Top fundraising team
隊伍成員每人獲贈《生命恩泉》書舍禮券 $25
- 隊伍成員的總籌款額為「主與我同行」所有隊伍當中最高 (不包括 “FLL – Fountain of Love and Life (General)” 隊伍)
- 隊伍成員的平均籌款額必須為 $500 或以上
Each team member will receive a $25 FLL Bookstore gift certificate
- Highest total fundraised by team members among “Walk with God” teams (except “FLL-Fountain of Love and Life general” team)
- The average funds raised per team member must be $500 or above.
籌款額最高隊伍 Top Fundraising Team:
Mary Help of Christians $170,318.73 (47 位成員 members)
b. 平均個人籌款額最高隊伍 Top Average Fundraising Team
金廷宴禮券 $300
- 隊伍最少10人
- 每人額必須籌得$500或以上
- 隊伍成員的平均籌款額為「主與我同行」所有隊伍當中最高 (不包括 “FLL – Fountain of Love and Life (General)” 隊伍)
Golden Palace Banquet Hall, First Markham Place $300 gift certificate
- The team consists of at least 10 members.
- Each member must have raised at least $500.
- The average funds raised per team member is the highest among “Walk with God” teams (except “FLL-Fountain of Love and Life general” team)
平均個人籌款額最高隊伍 Top Average Fundraising Team:
Sacred Heart of Jesus (Prayer Group/Joyful Fishers) $78,078.77 (12 位成員members;平均籌款額average fundraising amount: $6506.56)