最後捐款日期 Last Day of Donation: 22/7/2024
《生命恩泉》再次組成「主與我同行」隊伍,參與由 Canada Running Series 舉辦的溫哥華半馬拉松和五公里步行籌款活動,為《生命恩泉》來年的福傳工作籌務經費。
- 日期:2024年6月23日 (星期日)
- 地點:卑詩大學 (UBC) [見附圖⬇️]
- 項目 : 五公里步行 (9:30am起步) 或半馬拉松 (7:30am起步)
- 日期 : 2024年6月1日 至 6月30日
- 參加者可自由選擇日期丶時間和地點
- 完成後將記錄上載 Race Roster 平台,詳情容後公佈
- 報名日期 : 2024年4月10日 (星期三) 開始
- 晨鳥優惠 : 凡在2024年4月23日 (星期二) 或以前報名,可享晨鳥優惠
- 工作人員會於報名後兩個工作天內上載有關資料,歡迎到 Walk.FLL.cc 查看
- 如在報名時遇上困難, 請致電 604-818-6888, 或電郵至 VancouverWalk@FLL.cc
報名費 | 報名費(連稅及手續費) | |
五公里 – 實體 | $60 | $72.74 |
五公里 – 虛擬 | $55 | $66.95 |
二十一公里 – 實體 | $115 | $136.55 |
二十一公里 – 虛擬 | $55 | $66.95 |
1. 長者優惠 (70歲或以上)
- 參加者年齡必須為70歲或以上 (以出生日期06/30/1954前為準)
- 若符合以上條件,完成整個活動後,《生命恩泉》將退回報名費** (不包括GST 及手續費) 並以支票方式郵寄至參加者住址。
- 由於不同時段報名費會有所不同(例:4月23日後晨鳥優惠結束,報名費會有所提升) ,《生命恩泉》會根據參加者報名時所邀交的報名費退回。
2. 同行者優惠計劃
耶穌派遣門徒「兩個兩個地出去。」(馬爾谷福音 6:7)。
每位參加者只要邀請一位或以上「新朋友」參加步行籌款,即可獲得加元$10 回贈*。
- 只有推薦人可獲享$10回贈。 (不包括被推薦者)。
- 每名參加者回贈金額上限為加元$10。
- 若符合所有條件,《生命恩泉》將在步行籌款活動結束後郵寄$10支票至推薦人住址。
- 「新朋友」定義: 過往三年未有成為《生命恩泉》溫哥華「主與我同行」步行者。
- 長者優惠和同行者優惠計劃不得合併使用;例如,70歲或以上的參加者已獲享報名費回贈優惠,因而未能同時享有同行者優惠。
- 推薦者需填妥「同行者優惠計劃」報名表格 https://bit.ly/wwgbringanewfriend
- 如優惠計劃有任何爭議,《生命恩泉》溫哥華「主與我同行」籌委會保留最終決定權。
- 為增加參與的趣味性及提供不同選擇,籌委會成立了7個團隊,參加者在報名時可選擇加入其中一組
- 各組名稱及組長
- FLL – Gentleness: Savio Tow and Ken Suen
- FLL – Heart on Fire: Justin Nguyen and Candice Leung
- FLL – Joyful Hearts: Agnes Tao and Angela Wong
- FLL – Kindness: Francis Yau
- FLL – Peace: Connie Tong
- FLL – Self-Control: Helen Tam and Mena Wong
- FLL – Wisdom: William Mok
- 歡迎聯絡各小組隊長了解有關詳情以確定加入的組別
- 在得到您的同意下,毎組隊長會為自己的隊伍開一個whatsapp群組以便聯絡
- 每一位參加者經此網頁報名,主辦單位皆會捐出 $5 給《生命恩泉》作慈善用途
- 查詢: 電郵 VancouverWalk@fll.cc 或致電 604-818-6888
Fountain of Love and Life (FLL) warmly invites you to join us for “Walk with God 2024”! This year we will take part in the 2024 Vancouver Half-Marathon and 5K Run/Walk, hosted by Canada Running Series. All proceeds will support the evangelization work of FLL.
FLL has been dedicated to producing multimedia content and fostering faith that upholds Gospel values, thereby spreading God’s love into people’s hearts and injecting positive energy into society. With the unwavering support of our participants, FLL has been able to realize this vision over the past nineteen years.
To continue bringing this vision to life, we rely on your active participation. We sincerely invite you, along with your family and friends, to join us for this significant annual fundraising walkathon. Together, let us spread the Good News and contribute to making the world a better place.
In Person Walkathon Details:
- Date: June 23, 2024 (Sunday)
- Time: Half Marathon (7:30am) or 5K Walk (9:30am)
- Location: University of British Columbia (Please see map enclosed⬆️)
Virtual Walkathon Details:
- Date: June 1-30, 2024
- Participants are free to choose the date, time, and location within the said period.
- Please record the details and upload to Race Roster Platform
Registration Details:
- Registration Date: Starting from April 10, 2024 (Wednesday)
- Early Bird: Those who register by April 23, 2024 (Tuesday) will receive an early bird discount
- FLL will update your registration information at the Walk.FLL.cc within 2 working days
- If you encounter any difficulties during the registration, please call 604-818-6888 or email VancouverWalk@FLL.cc
Registration Fee:
Registration Fee | Registration Fee (incl. tax & processing fees) | |
5K – In person | $60 | $72.74 |
5K – Virtual | $55 | $66.95 |
21K – In person | $115 | $136.55 |
21K – Virtual | $55 | $66.95 |
Registration fee will increase on June 12th
1. Senior Rebate (70+)
- The participant must be 70 or above before June 30, 2024 in order to qualify
- FLL will reimburse** the registration fee (excluding GST and processing fees) to those who fulfill the above criteria after the Walkathon. Cheques will be mailed to participants’ mailing addresses.
** This means FLL will pay the registration fee for the registrant.
2. “Bring a new friend program”
Jesus sent His disciples out “two by two” (Mark 6:7).
We invite you to refer a new friend to register to our walkathon, and enjoy a $10 rebate.
- Only the referrer receives a $10 rebate; not including the referees.
- The maximum rebate amount of each referrer is CAD $10.
- A $10 check will be mailed to your address after the walkathon, provided all conditions are fulfilled.
- A “new friend” is defined as anyone who has not participated as a fundraiser in the FLL Vancouver walkathon within the past three years.
- Referrer needs to complete the “Bring a New Friend program” registration form https://bit.ly/wwgbringanewfriend
- Senior Rebate & ” Bring a new friend program” Incentives cannot be combined; for example, individuals aged 70 or above who have already taken part in the registration fee incentive program, will not receive the ” Bring a new friend program” incentive rebate.
- The walkathon committee’s decision shall be the final if there is any issue in the rebate program.
Other Details:
To encourage participation and provide different choices, the Walkathon Committee has set up seven teams, the following are the names of each team and their captains:
- FLL – Gentleness: Savio Tow and Ken Suen
- FLL – Heart on Fire: Justin Nguyen and Candice Leung
- FLL – Joyful Hearts: Agnes Tao and Angela Wong
- FLL – Kindness: Francis Yau
- FLL – Peace: Connie Tong
- FLL – Self-Control: Helen Tam and Mena Wong
- FLL – Wisdom: William Mok
- Please contact the Team Captain for further details and to confirm which team to join
- With your consent, your Team Captain will create a Whatsapp group chat for your team for easy communication
- For each person who registers via our website, FLL will receive a $5 referral donation from the organizer.
- Inquiries: Email VancouverWalk@fll.cc or call 604-818-6888
Please check this website for latest promotions, fundraising incentives and other details.