籌款目標 Fundraising Goal$620,752.20$750,000.00


今年《生命恩泉》唯一的籌款項目 – 多倫多週年步行籌款「主與我同行」現正舉行。一如以往,《生命恩泉》將組成「主與我同行」隊伍使用由2024 多倫多湖濱馬拉松活動 (TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon) 提供的捐款平台 (Race Roster) 籌款。故此,參加者需要通過多倫多湖濱馬拉松網上報名,並選擇加入一個【團隊】

為配合《生命恩泉》的多元化發展及應付事工營運的開支,今年的籌款目標是加幣 $750,000。現誠意邀請您聯同親友或堂區的兄弟姊妹一同參加這個既適合一家大小又具有特別意義的活動,與我們同行,並為福傳出一分力,一起令世界變得更美好。


我們鼓勵虛擬賽事的參加者參與「主與我同行」開步禮及打氣大會, 與我們的團隊一同步行。


感謝天主🙏《生命恩泉》衷心感謝 9月28日 參與「主與我同行」感恩彌撒及開步禮打氣大會的您。當日有接近200位「同行者」參與, 一同見證主的恩寵。以下是當日的活動花絮👇


虛擬步行於 10月1日至31日 舉行。願大家一起為福傳出一分力, 讓我們由衷響應「主與我同行」!


虛擬賽事 – 2024多倫多湖濱馬拉松:五公里、半馬拉松及馬拉松

● 2024年10月1 至 31日
● 參加者可以自行選擇時間及地點完成步行項目


虛擬賽事 – 2024多倫多湖濱馬拉松:五公里、半馬拉松及馬拉松
報名費*: 加元 $55 連稅及手續費: 加元$72.55 (只限虛擬5公里賽事)

報名費包括:多倫多湖濱馬拉松 ASICS t-shirt、紀念獎牌、使用籌款平台等。


九折報名 Gift Code
好消息!《生命恩泉》今年向多倫多湖濱馬拉松的主辦單位購入了一些優惠碼Gift Code,讓「主與我同行」的參加者可以享有九折報名優惠!現尚餘少量優惠碼,先到先得,售完即止!

優惠碼 Gift Code 報名費(連稅及手續費): 加元 $65.94 (原價: 加元$72.55)

參加者可填此表格向《生命恩泉》購買優惠碼 Gift Code (即繳付折扣後的報名費) ,我們會盡快把優惠碼以電郵發給你。收到電郵後,請使用電郵內的連結到大會的官方網頁報名。在Gift Code欄內填寫優惠碼,便可以 $0 完成報名程序。




  • 報名時如有任何疑問,請致電905-707-7800留言 ,或電郵至walk@FLL.cc,我們會盡快回覆。
  • 每位參加者經此網頁或《生命恩泉》提供的連結報名,大會將捐出$5予《生命恩泉》。

Fountain of Love and Life (FLL) has been dedicated to producing multimedia content and fostering faith that upholds Gospel values, thereby spreading God’s love into people’s hearts and injecting positive energy into society. With the unwavering support of our participants, FLL has been able to realize this vision over the past nineteen years.

FLL warmly invites you to join us for “Walk with God 2024”, our only fundraising event in 2024! This year we will take part in the 2024 TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon, using their platform, Race Roster, for fundraising. Therefore our participants must register for TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon online and join one of our teams.

To support our increasingly diversified ministries and rising operating costs, we have set our fundraising goal as CAD$750,000! We sincerely invite you, along with your family and friends, to join us for this significant annual fundraising walkathon. Together, let us spread the Good News and contribute to making the world a better place.

Event Details

We encourage participants of the virtual race to join us at the “Walk with God” Kick-off Gathering and walk with our team.

“Walk with God” Kick-off Gathering

Praise the Lord!  FLL thanks all who joined us on September 28 at the Thanksgiving Mass and the Kick-off Gathering.  We had close to 200 participants and volunteers who “walked with God” together.  Below are some highlights of the day.


The virtual walk is from Oct 1 to 31.  Let’s continue to support the fundraising efforts to sustain the FLL missions!

Fundraising Deadline: Nov 18, 2024

Virtual Race – TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon: 5K, Half Marathon, Marathon

October 1 to 31, 2024
Participants will complete the walk/run individually at any day/time/location of their own choice.

Registration Details

Virtual Race – TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon: 5K, Half Marathon, Marathon
Registration Fee*: $55 CAD, $72.55 (incl. tax and processing fee) (for Virtual 5K Race only)
* The registration fee is charged by TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon. It does not go towards FLL.

Registration fee includes: Toronto Waterfront Marathon ASICS t-shirt, finisher medal, use of the fundraising platform, etc.
Participants will also receive a limited edition FLL sports towel and enjoy a free lunch at the “Walk with God” Kick-off gathering.

Registration Incentives

10% Off Gift Code
Good news! FLL has purchased some gift codes from the organizer of the Toronto Waterfront Marathon so that our “Walk with God” participants can enjoy 10% off the registration fee. There is a limited number of gift codes. They are first come first served.

Gift Code Discounted Registration Fee (including tax and service fees):
CAD $65.94 (Original Price: CAD $72.55)

Participants may fill out this form to purchase the gift code from FLL (i.e. pay for the discounted registration fee). You will receive a Gift Code by email from FLL. Please use the link included in the email or on the walk.FLL.cc webpage to complete the registration process on TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon’s website. Enter the gift code in the corresponding field and you can register with $0.

If you have not received the Gift Code after one business day, please check your “Promotions” or “Trash/Spam” folder. If you cannot find it, please email walk@fll.cc.


Other Details

  • If you need assistance when registering, please call 905-707-7800 to leave a message, or email walk@FLL.cc. We will reply as soon as possible.
  • For each participant who registers via the link on this page or provided to you by FLL, Toronto Waterfront Marathon will donate $5 to FLL.