10月1至31日: 多倫多湖濱馬拉松虛擬賽事
Oct 1-31: TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon Virtual Race


10月20日: 多倫多湖濱馬拉松賽事
Oct 20: TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon In-Person Race Day

今年主要目標 FLL’s Main Goal This Year

《生命恩泉》目前最重要的計劃就是購置永久會址,作這事工的家。我們希望透過今年的「主與我同行」為購置永久會址籌募經費。請成為我們在這歷史性工程上的夥伴,一起實現這夢想,一同成就這非一般冒險「家」。詳情請瀏覽: FLL.cc/newhome

FLL’s most critical project at the moment is to acquire a permanent home for our lay apostolate. We want to raise funds for our “New Home Capital Campaign” with our walkathon this year. Be our partner in this historic project and make this extraordinary dream come true. For details, please visit FLL.cc/newhome

活動詳情 Event Details:

參與活動形式: 參加者可選擇以下其中一個方式完成有關項目
鼓勵各參加者參與以下實體聚會一同步行 或自由選擇時間、地點自行完成步行
Participation Options: Participants can choose one of the following methods to fulfill their walking goal. Participants are encouraged to join the physical gathering listed below or to freely choose their own time and location to complete the walk.

實體賽事 – 官方活動 Official Event – In Person

2023多倫多湖濱馬拉松活動 (TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon – TTWM)

  • 2023年10月15日 October 15, 2023
  • 請注意: 參加者需按大會指示自行安排各參賽事宜。《生命恩泉》將不會安排領取 Race Packet、接送 及其他等服務。
    Participants are responsible for arranging their own race-related matters following the event’s instructions. “Fountain of Love and Life” will not provide services such as Race Packet collection or transportation.


虛擬賽事 – 官方活動 Official Event – Virtual

2023多倫多湖濱馬拉松活動 (TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon – TTWM)

  • 2023年10月1 至 31日 October 1 to 31, 2023
  • 參加者可以自行選擇時間及地點完成步行項目
    Participants complete walk/run individually at any day/time/location of own choice

➡️ 按此了解更多詳情或報名
➡️ For more information or to REGISTER, please click HERE

團隊 Teams:

To encourage participation and provide different choices, the Walkathon Committee has set up 10 teams. Participants can choose to join one of these teams when registering*.
* 加入組別時,隊長將會取得你的聯絡。
* When joining a group, the team leader will obtain your contact information.

團隊名單 List of FLL Teams:

FLL – Fountain of Love and Life (General)
如沒有特別偏好,可選擇 ”Fountain of Love and Life” 作為你的團隊。If you have no specific preference, you can choose “Fountain of Love and Life” as your team.
FLL – Sacred Heart of Jesus – Teresa Law
FLL – Mary Help of Christians – Colette Chow
FLL – St. Cecilia (CMCC Choir & Friends) – Ellen Lau & Ricky Cheung
FLL – Sts. Louis & Zélie Martin (Vocation of Married Life) – Carmen Tsang
FLL – St. Maximilian Kolbe (Media Evangelization) – Lucia Ng
FLL – St. John Paul II (New Evangelization) – Regina Mak & Boris Chu
FLL – Holy Spirit (FLL Prayer Group) – Beth Leung
FLL – St. Francis Xavier (Missionaries) – Damaso Wong
FLL – In Memory of Fr. Daniel Chui (Humility) – Ricky Tang

When registering, enter the team name here:

除”Fountain of Love and Life”組別外,其餘隊伍將自動競逐「籌款額最高隊伍奬」,最高籌款組別(平均籌款額最少 $500)每人將獲贈禮券價值加元 $25。
Apart from the “Fountain of Love and Life” team, the remaining teams will automatically compete for the “Highest Fundraising Team Award.” The highest fundraising group (with a minimum average fundraising of $500 per person) will receive gift vouchers worth $25 CAD per person.

籌款 Donations

To SPONSOR a fundraiser – click HERE to see our participant list.

Breaking News: $500,000 (CAD) New Matching Fund!

好消息!四位善長為鼓勵大家作任何金額的捐贈,合共捐出五十萬加元作配對捐款!由現在直至2023年9月13日,所有贊助「主與我同行」參加者的善款將獲 1 對 1 配對,作《生命恩泉》購置永久會址(福傳中心)之用。
Good news! To encourage donations of any amount, four generous donors have collectively donated $500,000 (CAD) to serve as a matching fund. All “Walk with God” donations will be matched dollar-to-dollar until September 13, 2023.

「主與我同行」Marylake 聚會 “Walk with God” Gathering at Marylake

另外,我們為了感謝各位的支持,特意邀請各位參與是次「主與我同行」實體聚會 。不論你有否報名參加以上賽事,我們也希望你能抽空出席,共証主恩。
Additionally, in appreciation of your generous support, we cordially invite you to participate in the “Walking with God” physical gathering. Whether or not you have registered for the above events, we hope you can find time to attend and witness the grace of the Lord.

  • 2023年9月23日 September 23, 2023 (星期六 Saturday)
    • 時間: 9:00am – 2:00pm
  • 實體聚會地點 Gathering Location:
    • Marylake Shrine of Our Lady of Grace
    • 13760 Keele Street, King City

實體聚會內容: 彌撒、集體於玫瑰經小徑步行祈禱、食物(如:熱狗及小食)及飲品義賣、團體遊戲等
Activities: Mass, Group Prayer and Walk at the Rosary Path, Snacks, and game booths, etc.



報名費優惠 (小童及長者)
Registration Fee Discounts

小童(12歲或以下) Children (age 12 and under)*

  • 參加者年齡必須為12歲或以下 (以出生日期10/1/2011後為準)
    Participant must be 12 or under (i.e. birth date must be after October 1, 2011) to qualify
  • 籌款總額須達加幣$200或以上 Have fundraised $200 or more


長者 (70歲或以上) Seniors (70+)*

  • 參加者年齡必須為70歲或以上 (以出生日期10/31/1953前為準)
    Participant must be 70 or above before October 31, 2023 to qualify

*符合以上條件,完成整個活動後,《生命恩泉》退回報名費** (不包括 HST 及手續費)


FLL will reimburse the registration fee (excluding HST and processing fees) to those who fulfill the above criteria after the Walkathon.

All participants please click the “Online Registration” button


晨鳥優惠Early-Bird Incentive:

  • 參加者於 2023年9月15日 以前報名(包括已報名的參加者)
  • 籌款總額於 2023年9月15日 之前須達加幣$150或以上

如符合以上兩項條件,完成整個活動後,《生命恩泉》將以支票退回$25 報名費*
*例子: 如參加五公里步行,退回報名費後,參加者實際付出 $53.83報名費用。

For all participants who have registered and raised a minimum of $150 CDN before 15 September 2023 (including those already registered), FLL will reimburse $25 per person (payable after the event).
For example, for early-bird participants of the virtual 5-km event, your entrance fee is capped at $53.83 per person after tax and processing fee.

首次參加者優惠First-Time Participant Incentive:

  • 首次參加《生命恩泉》「主與我同行」步行籌款活動(透過TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon報名)
  • 參加者於 2023年9月15日 以前報名(包括已報名的參加者)
  • 籌款總額於 2023年9月15日 之前須達加幣$150或以上

如符合以上三項條件,完成整個活動後,《生命恩泉》將以支票退回$35 報名費*
*例子: 如參加五公里步行,退回報名費後,參加者實際付出 $43.83報名費用。

For all first-time participants who have registered and raised a minimum of $150 CDN before 15 September 2023, FLL will reimburse $35 per person (payable after the event).
For example, for first-time participants of the virtual 5-km event, your entrance fee is capped at $43.83 per person after tax and processing fee.

#此優惠不適用於 「12歲或以下並籌得加幣$200或以上」 或 「70歲或以上」 人仕的優惠。Only one incentive can be applied to each registration.  Incentives cannot be combined.

報名,如遇上任何困難,可致電905-707-7800留言 ,或請電郵walk@FLL.cc,我們會儘快回覆。

今年沒有慈善代號 (Charity Code),但必須經此網頁報名,每一個參加者經以上途徑登記,大會會捐出$5予生命恩泉。

If you need assistance when registering, please call 905-707-7800 to leave a message, or email walk@FLL.cc. We will reply as soon as possible.

There are no charity codes this year, but you must register through the TCS website. For each participant who registers through TCS, they will donate $5 to Fountain of Love and Life.