籌款獎勵 Fundraising Incentives

1. 幸運抽獎:

A) 凡於2024年5月26日或以前籌得$500或以上, 可進入第一輪幸運抽獎 (共10份獎品)
B) 凡於2024年6月9日或以前籌得$1,000或以上, 可進入第二輪幸運抽獎 (共10份獎品)
C) 凡於2024年6月19日或以前籌得$1,500或以上, 可進入第三輪幸運抽獎 (共10份獎品)
D) 凡於2024年6月29日或以前籌得$2,000或以上, 可進入第四輪幸運抽獎 (共10份獎品)

2. 致謝禮物: 截至2024年7月10日籌得$2,500或以上可獲禮物一份以表謝意

3. 個人奬項: 截至2024年7月10日籌款額最高的三位參加者

4. 團隊奬項:

A) 截至2024年7月10日最高籌款額團隊
B) 截至2024年7月10日最高平均籌款額團隊 (備註: 小組須有五位組員或以上)


1. Lucky Draw:

A) Fundraisers raising $500 or more by May 26, 2024, will enter into the 1st round lucky draw (total of 10 prizes)
B) Fundraisers raising $1,000 or more by June 9, 2024, will enter into the 2nd round lucky draw (total of 10 prizes)
C) Fundraisers raising $1,500 or more by June 19, 2024, will enter into the 3rd round lucky draw (total of 10 prizes)
D) Fundraisers raising $2,000 or more by June 29, 2024, will enter into the 4th round lucky draw (total of 10 prizes)

2. Token of Appreciation: Fundraisers raising $2,500 or more as of July 10, 2024, will receive a gift as a token of appreciation

3. Individual Awards: Top three fundraisers who raised the highest amount as of July 10, 2024

4. Team Awards:

A) Team with the highest amount raised as of July 10, 2024
B) Team with the highest average amount raised per fundraiser as of July 10, 2024
(Note: Each team needs to have at least 5 team members)

Prizes & Awards will be presented at the Appreciation Luncheon on July 13, 2024

得奬名單 Award Winners


團隊奬項得獎隊伍 Team Award Winners

最高籌款額團隊 Team with the highest amount raised (截至2024年7月10日 as of July 10, 2024)

Team Self-Control

最高平均籌款額團隊 Team with the highest average amount raised per fundraiser (截至2024年7月10日 as of July 10, 2024)

Team Peace

個人奬項得獎者 Individual Award Winners

籌款額最高的三位參加者 Top three fundraisers who raised the highest amount (截至2024年7月10日 as of July 10, 2024)

冠軍 Top Fundraiser – Deacon Francis Lai

亞軍 First Runner-Up – Francis Yau

季軍 Second Runner-Up – Denise Lui

截至2024年7月10日籌得 $2,500 或以上的參加者 Fundraisers who raised $2,500 or more as of July 10, 2024

Deacon Francis Lai
Francis Yau
Denise Lui
Agnes Tao
Fr. Anthony Ho
Connie Tong
Cecilia Yuen
David Kwong
Felix Lo
Bosco Toa
Mena Wong
Ken Suen
Helen Tam
Frankie Lee
Mary Ting

幸運抽獎得奬名單 Lucky Draw Winners

10 位於6月29日或以前籌得 $2,000 或以上的得奬者 10 winners who raised $2,000 or more by June 29

Joe Kong Kuk – Peace
Agnes Tao – Joyful Hearts
Fr. Anthony Ho – Joyful Hearts
Connie Tong – Peace
Deacon Francis Lai – Self-Control
Mena Wong – Self-Control
Cecilia Yuen – Kindness
Frankie Lee – Joyful Hearts
Mary Ting – Kindness
Paul Lee – Peace

10 位於6月19日或以前籌得 $1,500 或以上的得奬者 10 winners who raised $1,500 or more by June 19

Stella Lau – Peace
Deacon Francis Lai – Self-Control
Cecilia Yuen – Kindness
Francis Yau – Kindness
Mary Au – Joyful Hearts
Agnes Tao – Joyful Hearts
Felix Lo – Joyful Hearts
Connie Tong – Peace
Pearl Chan – Kindness
Denise Lui – Self-Control

10 位於6月9日或以前籌 $1,000 或以上的得奬者 10 winners who raised $1,000 or more by June 9

Eva Tsang – Peace
Joe Kong Kuk – Peace
Mark Cheung – Heart on Fire
Nelly Chung – Peace
Elen Chan – Joyful Hearts
Assunta Chan – Gentleness
Frankie Lee – Joyful Hearts
Cecilia Yuen – Kindness
Mary Au – Joyful Hearts
Denise Lui – Self-Control

10 位於5月26日或以前籌得 $500 或以上的得奬者 10 winners who raised $500 or more by May 26

Annie Fu – Heart on Fire
Connie Tong – Peace
Andrew Yau – Kindness
Agnes Tao – Joyful Hearts
Fr. Anthony Ho – Joyful Hearts
Felix Lo – Joyful Hearts
Paul Lee – Peace
Stella Lau – Peace
Joe Kong Kuk – Peace
John Liu – Peace