請踴躍捐款 Donation
Please support Fountain of Love and Life’s evangelization work.
1. 信用卡捐款(加幣): 請選擇以下⬇️其中一位步行/跑步者作出你的捐獻
2. 支票/電子轉賬 : 請 按此 填寫表格
3. 以現金或支票收取捐款 : 請 按此 下載手寫籌款表格
4.【只限香港】於香港用信用卡以港幣捐款 : 請 按此 填寫表格
Donation Methods
1. Credit Card (CAD): Please select any one of the walkers/runners below ⬇️ to make your donations
2. Cheque/e-Transfer: Please click here to complete the donation form
3. Offline cash or cheque donations: Please click here to download the Offline Pledge Form
4.【Only for Hong Kong donors】Credit card in HK dollars: Please click here to complete the donation form