參加者資訊 Information for Fundraisers


日期 時間 堂區 地址
529(星期日) 下午3時中文彌撒後 高貴林

Our Lady of Fatima Parish

315 Walker Street, Coquitlam







5771 Granville Avenue, Richmond

611 (星期六)




St John the Apostle Parish

5457 Trafalgar Street, Vancouver


早上 8





438 Great Northern Way, Vancouver


1.概要 General

報名費用於支付舉辦此項目的費用, 包括紀念丅恤、完賽獎牌、個人號碼布、活動前後及期間的食物和飲料, 並提供一條經測量、認證和安全的路線作正式計時賽等等。Canada Running Series 承擔整個項目的所有責任和風險。當項目完結及扣除所有開支後, 如有盈餘, 該少量之盈餘將歸CRS, 如有虧損, 亦將由CRS承擔。參與的慈善機構不但可以省卻工作、責任和風險, 而且能夠集中照顧參加者的需要, 使他們可以盡量享受這個體驗。同時, CRS不會就提供之項目和籌款機會向慈善機構收取任何費用。

Where does the registration fee go towards the entire event?
The cost of the registration fee supports the staging of the event, including, but not limited to, the souvenir shirt, finisher medal, personalized bib, food and beverages before, during, and after the event, an official time run on a measured, certified, and secure course, etc.

Canada Running Series takes on all the responsibility and all the risks of the event. If by the end when everything is paid for, there is a profit, that modest profit goes to CRS. And if there is a loss, that falls on them too. This way, the charities will have a wonderful run experience for their community without the work, liability and risk. CRS does not charge the charities for providing the event and the fundraising opportunity.

可以。轉換項目或目標哩數必須在太平洋標準時間 5月25日晚上11時59分或以前完成。同時要支付$10手續費及兩樣項目之報名費差額。

Can participants transfer between distances or virtual to in-person events or vice versa?
Yes, participants can transfer between events and distances on or before May 25th at 11:59 pm PST. These participants need to pay a $10 administrative fee and the difference between the registration fee of those two events.

根據呎碼供應情況, 可以在太平洋標準時間5月25日晚上11時59分或之前在網上更改。

Can the shirt size be changed? How can it be changed?
Based on availability, you can change your shirt size online on or before May 25 at 11:59 pm PST.

更改步驟 / Steps:

  1. Login to your Race Roster Participant Dashboard
  2. Confirm that you’re managing the correct race registration (2022 Vancouver Half Marathon). To switch the event and manage a different race registration click the <- All events button and select the appropriate event.
  3. Click the Edit registration button.
  4. You will then be taken to the Edit registration details page where you can make any updates to your registration. Each part of your registration is broken up into respective fields.
  5. Once you have made the appropriate edits, click the green ‘Save Button’ to complete the process.

如果收到 T-恤後發覺不合身,可以換呎碼嗎?
請在6月26日(星期日)步行日結束後更換。虛擬參加者則請電郵至crswest@canadarunningseries.com 要求更換。更換將以先到先得及當時呎碼供應情況取決。

If the shirt size requested does not fit, can it be exchanged?
If the shirt doesn’t fit, exchange it after the race on Sunday, June 26. If you are a virtual participant, please email crswest@canadarunningseries.com. Exchanges will be first come, first served and based on shirt size availability.

請把現金或支票捐款及善長的資料清楚填寫在表格上。然後與你的組長或 Denise Lui 聯絡安排交收。

What do we do with the cash and or cheque donations?
Please arrange and deliver the cash and or cheques with the correct information of the donors on the pledge forms to your team captain or Denise Lui.


Can registration be cancelled? Will there be a refund? Can it be deferred to the next year?
No, it cannot be refunded, reimbursed or deferred to the next year.



虛擬賽事是參加者以步行或跑步方式在大會指定的日期內, 以自己選擇的時間和地點, 完成指定目標哩數。

What is a Virtual Race?
Participants can run or walk their distances anywhere, at any time within the virtual race period.

可以, 但加拿大境外的人士將需要支付$20作 Race Kit 的運費。

Can people living outside of Canada register for the Virtual event?
Yes, however, they need to pay a $20 shipping fee for their Race Kits.

虛擬步行 / 跑步小貼士:

  1. 請於出發前先計劃好步行或跑步路線。可以一次過完成所選之目標哩數, 亦可將路程分成數小段於數天內完成。
  2. 請避免於人群或車輛較多的地方進行虛擬步行/跑步。大會建議參加者選擇在較寧靜的時間(例如早上9時30分至11時或下午1時至3時), 於住所附近的地方進行。
  3. 可選擇獨自或邀請家人一起參與。
  4. 請穿著合適天氣及容易察覺的運動服裝。
  5. 請自備水和 / 或簡單的零食以補充體力。
  6. 請於出發前把步行或跑步路線告知家人或朋友, 並隨身攜帶手機。

Tips for the virtual run/walk:

  1. Plan the route. You can complete the walk or run with full distance at one time or break it into smaller increments over several days.
  2. Avoid high-traffic pedestrian and vehicle areas. Run or walk close to home in the neighbourhood during a quieter time of the day like mid-morning or mid-afternoon.
  3. Walk or run by yourself or with anyone who is from your household.
  4. Wear appropriate clothing. Be visible and dress for the weather.
  5. Bring water and/or a simple snack.
  6. Inform someone about your route and carry a cell phone with you during the walk or run.

虛擬賽事参加者會有 Race Kits 嗎?
所有虛擬賽事参加者都有 Race Kits。Race Kits 會寄往他們註册時所填寫的地址。

Is there a Race Kit for the Virtual Participants?
Yes, every virtual participant will have a Race Kit. It will be shipped to the address that was filled in at registration.

虛擬賽事配備套件 包括以下物品
Race Kits include the following items

  • Finisher medal
  • ASICS souvenir shirt
  • Digital bib and certificate
  • Larabar
  • Nuun product

需否支付 Race Kits 運費?
於加拿大境內不需支付任何運費。但若因提供了錯誤地址而退回CRS, 參加者則要交付$10運費。

Is there a Shipping Fee?
All shipping to Provinces within Canada is included in the registration fee. However, participants will need to pay a $10 shipping charge if a Race Kit is returned to CRS due to an incorrect address.

哪時會收到 Race Kits?
Race Kits 將會5月底前寄到。如有最新的消息, 將會以電郵通知大家。

When will the Race Kits arrive?
They will be shipped by the end of May. Please keep an eye on emails for the latest updates.

日期: 5月26日至 6月26日

當你完成步行或跑步全程後, 便可進入 Race Roster Results Platform 上載步行或跑步時間。
– 登入你的 Race Roster 帳戶
– 選擇 [+ Add activity]
– 填上你的步行或跑步時間
– 選擇 ‘Submit Activity’

How do I input my Virtual Race Results?
Date: May 26 to June 26
Once you have completed your walk/run, you can put your result on the Race Roster Results Platform.
– Login to your Participant Dashboard
– Select the [+ Add activity] button
– Add the time of your run and/or walk
– Select ‘Submit Activity’


3. 實體賽事 In-Person Race

5K日期: 6月26日2022年
5K時間: 早上7:00
5K起點: Museum of Vancouver – 1100 Chestnut Street, Vancouver (at Vanier Park in Kitsilano)
5K路線:  https://canadarunningseries.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/22-VAN21K-Course-Map-5K.pdf

停車場位於溫哥華博物館/H.R. MacMillan Space Centre  (泊車位共有248個)
週日上午 6:00 – 下午 6:00 | 每小時 $3.60 (使用 EasyPark App 可享用優惠價格)

Date of 5K:  June 26, 2022
Starting Time of 5K: 7:00 pm
Starting Point of 5K: Museum of Vancouver – 1100 Chestnut Street, Vancouver (at Vanier Park in Kitsilano)
Route of 5K:  https://canadarunningseries.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/22-VAN21K-Course-Map-5K.pdf
Parking: Museum of Vancouver/H.R. MacMillan Space Centre (Max. 248 parking stalls)
Sunday 6:00 am – 6:00 pm | $3.60/hour (Using EasyPark App will have a reduced rate.)

實體賽事參加者領取Race Kits(賽事配備套件) 地點和日期

所有實體賽事的參加者必須領取他們的賽事配備套件, 詳情如下:

地點 :
3889 Main Street, Vancouver, BC

6 月 22 日(星期三)

6 月 23 日(星期四)
及 6月24日(星期五)

6 月 25 日(星期六)

Race Kits Pick Up Location & Dates for In-Person Participants

All in-person participants must pick up their race kits as follows.

Location :
3889 Main Street, Vancouver BC

Time :
June 22 (Wed) 10:00am to 6:00pm

June 23 (Thur)
& June 24 (Fri)
10:00am to 8:00pm

June 25 (Sat)
10:00am to 5:00pm

實體賽事配備套件 包括以下物品
Race Kits include the following items

  • Finisher medal
  • ASICS souvenir shirt
  • Bib

根據加拿大田徑協會、卑詩省田徑協會和卑詩省疾病控制中心的最新指引,所有符合條件的參賽者現不需出示疫苗接種證明。若此政策改變令你想轉換參加另一項活動,你可於2022年5月 25日前將你的註冊轉移到其他一項活動或其他人。更改辦法可前往相關活動的註冊頁面,登入並選擇 “Transfer” 按鈕。如欲獲取更多信息,請參閱相關活動的『常見問答』頁面。

Changes to Our Vaccination Policy
Following the guidelines of Athletics Canada, BC Athletics, and the BC Centre for Disease Control, Canada Running Series (CRS) has removed the requirement to show proof of vaccination for all eligible participants. If you want to switch to another event as a result of this policy change, you may transfer your registration to a different sub-event or another person by May 25, 2022. To do so, visit the registration page of the applicable event, sign in, and select the “Transfer” button. For more information, please visit the FAQ page for the applicable event.

實體賽事參加者可否委托別人代他領取 Race Kit?

可以, 代領取者要出示實體參加者的確認電郵副本或其書面授權證明。

For In-person participants, can someone else pick up their Race Kits on their behalf?

Yes, please bring along a copy of the confirmation email or written authorization from the in-person participant stating that they have permission to pick up the Race Kits.

實體賽事參加者可以在步行日當天領取他們的 Race Kits 嗎?
可以, 但要預留足夠時間往有關攤位領取。

Can in-person participants pick up the Race Kits on the event day?
Yes, but make sure to arrive early enough to locate where the Race Kits’ pickup booth is.

實體賽事參加者如果在步行日當天無法出席, 他可以把個人的號碼布給予其他人嗎?
可以, 但必須在太平洋標準時間5月25日晚上11時59分或以前完成填報替代參加者的資料及支付$10手續費。另外自行把號碼布交給替代參加者及收回報名費。

If the in-person participants can’t go on the event day, can they transfer their bibs to someone else?
Yes, but make sure to transfer the bib information on or before May 25th at 11:59 pm PST with a $10 administrative fee. In addition, the participants will need to bring the bib to the substitute participants and collect the registration fee back by themselves.

實體項目參加者, 如果在項目當天出現 COVID-19 症狀,他們會獲得報名註冊費退款嗎?

If on the event day, the in-person participants experience symptoms of COVID, will there be a refund of the registration fee? 
No, there will not be any refund of the registration fee.

如果CRS取消實體賽事, 會否退還報名費?
如果CRS取消實體賽事, 已經報名的參加者, 可選擇改以虛擬方式參加或取回退款。

If the in-person race is cancelled by CRS, will the registration fee be refunded?
In the case the in-person race is cancelled, participants will have the option to transfer into the virtual event or to receive a refund.


4. 意見或提議 Comments / Suggestions

若有意見或提議, 可循什麼途徑提出?

請電郵至 info@canadarunningseries.com, CRS重視並願意聆聽你的意見。
What do I do if I have any comments or suggestions?

Canada Running Series values and would love to hear any feedback. Please email your feedback to info@canadarunningseries.com